Get more reviews for auto dealerships
Cloutly for Auto Dealerships

Schedule more test drives using reviews

Your sales team loves inbound leads. Cloutly helps you serve them up fresh by driving more dealership reviews. Get found, noticed and trusted by in-market buyers on the review sites that matter.
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Dealership review software helps you win more leads

Your customers care about dealership reviews

When buying a car today, search is the most commonly used source. Perhaps surprisingly then, more than 95% of car sales still happen at the dealership.

If we know the customer journey starts online, the question isn't will they buy? - it's who will they call? and how will they decide?

This is your opportunity to build your reputation as the most reviewed dealership with the happiest customers.

Drive away with more reviews, leads and sales

Cloutly helps you drive customer reviews on the sites that matter most, so future customers searching for a vehicle see you, trust you and call you first.

After your customers have taken delivery of a vehicle, had a fantastic after-sales experience or come in for a service, send them a review campaign.

You can also add a review link to your existing communications, or collect reviews in-person by using a physically printed QR code.

The result? More reviews, more trust and more leads.

Auto dealership review campaigns help you book more test drivesAuto dealership review software

Measure the dealership experience

Our dealership reviews software helps you aggregate, monitor and respond to customer reviews from 40+ of the most popular review sites (including the ones that matter most to you).

Not only will you be able to drive more reviews for your dealership and build your online reputation, but for marketers, customer support reps, sales managers and group executives, Cloutly provides invaluable, at-a-glance insight into your customer experience.

Everything you need to get people talking about your dealership

Reputation dashboard
Reputation Dashboard

Monitor, respond to and showcase reviews from 40+ review sites (like Google and Facebook).

Send review invite campaigns
Review Invite Campaigns

Ask your customers to review you with multi-step SMS and email campaigns that work on autopilot.

Create review landing pages
Review Landing Pages

Create and link to a review landing page in your existing marketing, invoices, email signatures and more.

Display review widgets on your website
Review Widgets

Create your own dynamic review widgets and showcase your reviews on your website, where they matter most.

Use quick response templates to reply to customers
Quick Response Templates

Generate pre-filled responses to save time and respond to your reviews faster than ever.

Connect Cloutly with your CRM to automate review campaigns
Integrations & Automations

Use our native integrations or utilize Zapier to connect Cloutly with over 3000+ apps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to collect reviews for a dealership?

Reviews are a golden ticket for dealerships, helping to build a cozy nest of trust with potential buyers. When people see glowing reviews from previous customers, it gives the dealership a shiny badge of credibility, making it stand out in a sea of competitors. Plus, search engines like Google are big fans of businesses that rake in lots of good reviews, giving them a thumbs up in local search results. The good word spread by happy customers acts as social proof, nudging others closer to making a purchase. And let’s not forget, engaging with reviews isn’t just a one-way street; it shows customers that their feedback is cherished, building a community of loyal supporters around the dealership.

On the flip side, reviews are like a mirror, reflecting both the good and the not-so-good, providing invaluable feedback. When a dealership takes the time to address a negative review and fix the issue, it's like saying, "We hear you, and we care," which can win hearts and minds. The nuggets of insight from reviews can help iron out the kinks, potentially boosting sales over time. And of course, a solid reputation, built on a foundation of positive reviews, can trigger a ripple effect of word-of-mouth referrals, bringing more folks through the door. So, in the bustling marketplace, a hearty collection of positive reviews can be a dealership's best friend, carving out a competitive edge and paving the road to long-term success.

How much time does it take to manage dealership reviews with Cloutly?

Cloutly is a one-stop shop online reputation management software. It integrates with 40+ review platforms. You can see all your verified customer reviews coming in in one place and use AI Magic Response to reply in a fraction of the time it takes to log in to multiple platforms and add manual responses.

How long does it take to get started with a dealership on Cloutly?

You can add your locations to Cloutly in virtually one click with our Google connector. See how easy it is with our 14-day free trial and start to generate online reviews straight away. No credit card required to sign up and no commitments or contracts.

How does Cloutly work?

Cloutly is review management software that helps dealerships easily collect customer reviews, video testimonials and gather valuable feedback. It also helps dealerships manage their reputation through the same platform, making responding to online reviews simple and easy.

What’s included in my free trial?

Your 14-day free trial gives you access to all our features, so you can collect, measure and manage your customer experience. You'll also be able to tap into our AI Powered dealership insights - an all-new way for you to uncover customer themes, trends and opportunities within your dealership reviews (and your competitors).

Can car dealerships collect reviews in the showroom?

Absolutely! Cloutly gives you a toolkit of review collection tech, from automated campaigns connected to your dealership management software, to QR codes you can physically display inside your showroom. Cloutly makes it easy to manage reviews across many platforms, including local Google business locations. This makes Cloutly a great review management solution for dealerships.

We also think our pricing for multiple locations offers great value for money. Start your 14-day free trial today and give us a try.

Why do I need dealership review management software like Cloutly?

Consumers turn to review sites to help them make well informed purchase decisions, but with so many sites out there, it can be hard to keep on top of your reviews - and even harder to know where and how to direct people to leave you customer reviews. Cloutly helps you to gather customer reviews across multiple sources through personalized campaigns and even lets you conduct review monitoring so you can reply to feedback.

✓ Free 14-day trial

✓ Get more reviews

✓ 40+ review sites